Exploring Public Engagement with the Social Impact of Algorithms

Kathryn Blair , Jean-Rene Leblanc , Lora Oehlberg



We discuss Logical Conclusion, an analog interactive installation which presents issues surrounding the social impacts of algorithms used by corporations and governments via logic puzzles with physical elements that visitors manipulate to solve. We present the combination of physicality and participation as promising tools to engage the public with the ways that complex technologies interact with society. We also pose questions regarding how such strategies might be extended by the addition of responsive tangible computing elements.

Keywords:  Fine ArtsPhysical ArtifactEducationSocial Impact Of TechnologyEducationParticipatory Art Installation


Kathryn Blair, Jean-Rene Leblanc, Lora OehlbergExploring Public Engagement with the Social Impact of AlgorithmsIn Proceedings of the ACM on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '19)ACM, New York, NY, USA  Page: 1-5.  DOI: 10.1145/3301019.3323897