Data Every Day: Designing and Living with Personal Situated Visualizations

Nathalie Bressa , Jo Vermeulen , Wesley Willett



We explore the design and utility of situated manual self-tracking visualizations on dedicated displays that integrate data tracking into existing practices and physical environments. Situating self-tracking tools in relevant locations is a promising approach to enable reflection on and awareness of data without needing to rely on sensorized tracking or personal devices. In both a long-term autobiographical design process and a co-design study with six participants, we rapidly prototyped and deployed 30 situated self-tracking applications over a ten month period. Grounded in the experience of designing and living with these trackers, we contribute findings on logging and data entry, the use of situated displays, and the visual design and customization of trackers. Our results demonstrate the potential of customizable dedicated self-tracking visualizations that are situated in relevant physical spaces, and suggest future research opportunities and new potential applications for situated visualizations.

Keywords:  Self TrackingSituated VisualizationPersonal Data


Nathalie Bressa, Jo Vermeulen, Wesley WillettData Every Day: Designing and Living with Personal Situated VisualizationsIn Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22)ACM, New York, NY, USA  Page: 1-18.  DOI: