Saul Greenberg

Emeritus Professor

Google Scholar


DIS 2019

Astral: Prototyping Mobile and Smart Object Interactive Behaviours Using Familiar Applications

David Ledo , Jo Vermeulen , Sheelagh Carpendale , Saul Greenberg , Lora Oehlberg , Sebastian Boring

Smart ObjectsMobile InterfacesPrototypingDesign ToolInteractive Behaviour

CHI 2018

Evaluation Strategies for HCI Toolkit Research

David Ledo , Steven Houben , Jo Vermeulen , Nicolai Marquardt , Lora Oehlberg , Saul Greenberg

User InterfacesDesignEvaluationPrototypingToolkits

CHI 2017

Pineal: Bringing Passive Objects to Life with Embedded Mobile Devices

David Ledo , Fraser Anderson , Ryan Schmidt , Lora Oehlberg , Saul Greenberg , Tovi Grossman

Fabrication3 D PrintingSmart ObjectsRapid PrototypingToolkitsPrototyping ToolInteraction Design

MobileHCI 2015

Proxemic-Aware Controls: Designing Remote Controls for Ubiquitous Computing Ecologies

David Ledo , Saul Greenberg , Nicolai Marquardt , Sebastian Boring

Ubiquitous ComputingProxemic InteractionMobile InteractionControl Of Appliances

Department of Computer Science