
CHI 2020

Autonomous Vehicle-Cyclist Interaction: Peril and Promise

Ming Hou , Karthik Mahadevan , Sowmya Somanath , Ehud Sharlin , Lora Oehlberg

Autonomous Vehicle Cyclist InteractionInterfaces For Communicating Intent And Awareness

DIS 2019

AV-Pedestrian Interaction Design Using a Pedestrian Mixed Traffic Simulator

Karthik Mahadevan , Elaheh Sanoubari , Sowmya Somanath , James E. Young , Ehud Sharlin

Mixed TrafficPedestrian SimulatorAutonomous Vehicle Pedestrian Interaction

CHI 2018

Communicating Awareness and Intent in Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction

Karthik Mahadevan , Sowmya Somanath , Ehud Sharlin

Autonomous Vehicle Pedestrian InteractionPerceived Awareness And Intent In Autonomous Vehicles