Wind simulations are typically one-off implementations for specific applications. We introduce WindyWall, a platform for creative design and exploration of wind simulations. WindyWall is a three-panel 90-fan array that encapsulates users with 270? of wind coverage. We describe the design and implementation of the array panels, discussing how the panels can be re-arranged, where various wind simulations can be realized as simple effects. To understand how people perceive "wind" generated from WindyWall, we conducted a pilot study of wind magnitude perception using different wind activation patterns from WindyWall. Our findings suggest that: horizontal wind activations are perceived more readily than vertical ones, and that people's perceptions of wind are highly variable-most individuals will rate airflow differently in subsequent exposures. Based on our findings, we discuss the importance of developing a method for characterizing wind simulations, and provide design directions for others using fan arrays to simulate wind.
David Tolley, Thi Ngoc Tram Nguyen, Anthony Tang, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Kensaku Kawauchi, Ching-Chiuan Yen. WindyWall: Exploring Creative Wind Simulations. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA Page: 1-10. DOI: