Perspective on and Re-orientation of Physical Proxies in Object-Focused Remote Collaboration

Martin Feick , Terrance Tin Hoi Mok , Anthony Tang , Lora Oehlberg , Ehud Sharlin



Remote collaborators working together on physical objects have difficulty building a shared understanding of what each person is talking about. Conventional video chat systems are insufficient for many situations because they present a single view of the object in a flattened image. To understand how this limited perspective affects collaboration, we designed the Remote Manipulator (ReMa), which can reproduce orientation manipulations on a proxy object at a remote site. We conducted two studies with ReMa, with two main findings. First, a shared perspective is more effective and preferred compared to the opposing perspective offered by conventional video chat systems. Second, the physical proxy and video chat complement one another in a combined system: people used the physical proxy to understand objects, and used video chat to perform gestures and confirm remote actions.

Keywords:  CscwRemote CollaborationObject Focused CollaborationPhysical TelepresenceCollaborative Physical Tasks


Martin Feick, Terrance Tin Hoi Mok, Anthony Tang, Lora Oehlberg, Ehud SharlinPerspective on and Re-orientation of Physical Proxies in Object-Focused Remote CollaborationIn Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18)ACM, New York, NY, USA  Page: 1-13.  DOI: